Artist Profile: Janet Couper

PCAFAboard member, Kristen Herrington is introducing a new monthly profile piece, based on randomly selected member artists. Kristen will email the chosen feature artist with a list of interview questions and draft a journal entry to share in our newsletter, social media and website. If you would like to participate, please contact be placed on the selection list. Artists will be selected at random on a monthly basis. A special thanks to Janet Couper, who graciously agreed to be this month’s profile artist!

I’ve come to observe a trend among the creative community. We share a supportive outlook and praise of others, often remarking on the “beautiful work,” or “stunning colours” of another’s work. But when it comes to calling ourselves “artists” a bout of imposter’s syndrome kicks in! When I asked Janet Couper when she started calling herself an artist, she shared, “As do most artists, I hesitated to identify myself as an artist. In 2009, I painted a large canvas titled ‘Into the Abyss’. When I saw the painting professionally framed, I said ‘Holy shit! I’m an artist’”. I’m so happy to hear that Janet had her Holy Shit moment – she deserved it!

In 2006, Janet presented an assignment “Waking Dreams’ at a photography workshop conducted by renowned Freeman Patterson and Andre Gallant. 10 slides were set to a Bach organ composition and though I wasn’t there, can somehow feel the melodies melting into the images. Since then, Janet has created enough art to fill two studios! Another theme I’m sure her fellow artists can relate to.  In light of her impressive collection, Janet’s most immediate venture will be finding the courage to enter the marketing world, in hopes of sharing her work with the world.  “Of course, I’ll likely give most of it away!” she adds. 

Now retired from her medical profession, there is more time and energy dedicated to expressing her creativity. I asked Janet to describe her “thing” – the creative essence that makes us feel like artists (despite how hard it might be to use that word!) – “‘Experimentation’ is the word that comes to mind. Feeling the freedom to try anything creative opens intriguing possibilities.” The freedom of creating is a sensation that Janet has experienced since her childhood. “…Spending summers in Black Point, I experienced endless days of bliss. From the long weekend May to the Labor Day weekend.” Inspired and moved by the ocean, this artist has certainly found a sense of home in her life and work. 

Specific to her membership with the PCAFA, Janet offers, “The PCAFA provides venues for others to view my art. In July, Paint Peggy’s Cove affords me a live opportunity to meet the public and mingle with like-minded individuals.” With a busy summer of events, promotion ad meeting new clients, I think we “artists” (dare I say) are all feeling the wonderful benefits of being part of this community and organization.