Kuttner, Maria

Maria Kuttner, A Sunset on the Bay, Acrylic

Maria Kuttner – Artist

Maria chooses subject matter to portray energy and mood, colours and shapes to enliven the scene. Whether the setting is prominent or the figures are the focus, there is a story being told.

Maria’s fresh and spirited acrylic paintings have been acclaimed in a number of juried shows and admired in community venues as well as several commercial galleries. She also explores creating art with diverse mediums such as linocut, collagraphs, alcohol inks and concrete (sculpture).

STUDIO TOUR:  open July 12, 13 & 14  LOCATION #37 

Showing at 273 Kennedy’s Rd, Boutiliers Point, NS B3Z 1V7

YEAR ROUND: enquiries welcome, by appointment

e: mkuttner@eastlink.ca
w: crossroadartists.ca/projects/4395637